Pumping to increase your supply or to have a back up supply is necessary in most cases. Make sure you have the correct information on when to pump and for how long. Every mom is different so contact me if you need assistance
Breast Pumps
For whichever pump you get, make sure that you have more than one set of pump
parts. You could be pumping up to 5 times a day, depending on your situation, so best
to have 3 sets of pump parts and extra bottles to pump into. This is something that you need to order once you figure out what size is best for you once your milk comes in. Your breast size now will be different once it is filled with milk. So, wait until after the baby arrives to order extras. Each pump comes with 2 or 3 different sizes to try. There is a way to measure your correct size with many you tube videos on this or ask your lactation consultant if you are seeing one in person.
Medela Sonata Smart Breast Pump
Your Breast Pump is supplied or reimbursed by your insurance company. Most commonly used, from my experience, are the Medela and Spectra brands. The Sonata Smart Breast Pump is the newest of the Medela pumps as I am writing this. There are new pumps appearing every few months, so check reviews before choosing.
Spectra Electric Breast Milk Pump
This pump is very popular, very quiet and chargeable so you can carry the base around without needing to be attached to the outlet constantly.
The Elvie Pump (and other Portable Pumps)
The Elvie Pump is a newer and portable style that goes directly in your bra. It now holds 5 oz at a time. The original version only held 4 oz which was not enough for some pumping sessions. The same style pump, the Willow has not had as good reviews and I do not recommend it. I do not know if insurance is covering these because it depends on your insurance and they might cover full or partial so you need to check. There have been a number of newer portable pumps that have recently been developed: Pumply (which holds 6 oz per side); Freemie (holds 8 oz per side); and Momcozy. Check reviews and the latest info
Momcozy Hands Free Pumping Bra
A hands free bra is a must have or else you have to sit and hold them for 15-20 min at a time. There are many styles and many run small- fyi
Lupantte Hands Free Pumping Bra
Medela Breast Milk Storage Bags